Monday, January 20, 2014

Great Weekend (I think)

Great weekend. Saw Los Lobos at the Triple door and got polaxed by a couple of café diablos - highly recommended by the way - the diablos and Los Lobos. I emailed a friend with the mysterious message "Wednesday 10am :)" after having had said after dinner snifter. Not sure what I was thinking. No change there. Had to check my sent messages and fortunately she was the only one I emailed and she's used to my odd ways, being from somewhere east of Redbridge herself. 

Harangued by my fitbit I took Sam the energetic sharpei for a long walk. There was an incident when a much smaller fluffy dog trying to bite his legs. Fortunately both dogs were on a leash so nothing got out of hand. He's only been attacked once by a great dane who was off leash and Sam sorted him out - it was a bit scary with all the snarling but the large dog ran off pretty sharpish when Sam started to fight back.

And of course I must mention the Sea Hawks. Had to cook a large pot of chilli to celebrate. No idea of the rules at all. Can't follow the timing either - the last 10 minutes took about 30 - just like a Microsoft update - and then the game was called whilst there were still 7 or 8 seconds to go. Yes I shall be using "whilst" since I know it raises a smile and I can't bring myself to use the more common "while" except when I am saying things like "see you in a while" or "dinner will be ready in a while" etc etc. Anyway good games by the Hawks even though I won't be letting my sons play it.

Here is Sam FYI.

In our house the dogs sit on the sofas and the humans lie on the floor

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